Eye GIFs is offered as a monthly subscription that you can cancel at any time. You can manage your subscription here.
When does my subscription renew?
Your subscription renews automatically every month on your renewal date. Your renewal date is determined by when you joined Eye GIFs and is typically on the same day of the month as your registration date. You can cancel any time.
How can I change my payment method?
To change your payment method, visit the Your Subscription page, click Manage your subscription and then select Payment Methods to update your payment method.
Where can I find invoices for my subscription?
Your invoices are emailed to you on your renewal date every month, so you may have them already in your inbox. If you don't have them, you can retrieve them from the Your Subscription page. Click Manage your subscription then select Billing History. You will see a listing of past months' invoices and you can download them in the PDF format.
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